Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KKBI) menjelaskan bahwa esai adalah sebuah karangan atau tulisan yang membahas masalah sepintas dari sudut pandang pribadi penulis. Disini penulis menjawab dan mempertahankan argumennya dari poin-poin pertanyaan berdasarkan pendapatnya sendiri atau bersifat subjectif. Jawaban tersebut haruslah secara logic yaitu berdasarkan fakta yang ada, tidak berdasarkan imajinasi penulis (bersifat fiktif ).

Di bawah ini ada essay yang berupa butir-butir pertanyaan tentang kepribadian seorang guru yang akan menghadapi wawancara pekerjaan atau pada saat adanya suatu penelitian yang memerlukan  suatu jawaban dari seorang pendidik/guru.

1. Describe who you are briefly !

I am a person who has a positive, optimistic and anthropological view of life in the world of education and who loves sincere work as an educator with extraordinary enthusiasm, has great empathy for people who are small, weak and marginalized, who can feel the sensation happiness to see my students grow and develop as unique individuals. I just feel like doing a good job if it has a positive impact on the future of students. I want to be an effective communicator, both written and oral, and have a strong ability to plan and organize things effectively which is very important to fulfill the role of a competent teacher. I handle pressure very well and if necessary, can adapt it to my style or method of teaching, to give consistent results. I have a greater understanding and picture of the pressure gained at school. I am someone who always implements an effective behavior management process in the class and tries hard on the ability to continue to develop both personally and professionally.

2. Describe your experience of building collaboration or collaboration with colleagues to involve students' parents and the community in the learning process. Explain the process from beginning to end, and the impact that has occurred after building the partnership !

The unsuccessful education of children depends on the help of parents/guardians. Ensuring parents have an active role as equal partners in success. I will provide contact information by creating a WA group of parents so that they can continue to communicate by asking and asking whatever questions they ask about their child, and I also provide the latest information about what my friend has learned and developed. It is also very important to recognize the characteristics of family members that exist in the lives of every student. At the beginning of the year, studying in my school as a teacher/homeroom teacher will hold a meeting by inviting parents to my class and holding private meetings with the family to discuss the right steps and the right programs to develop student relations. I will also send an online survey form to get a better understanding of household life, and the dynamics of student families. Then, throughout the year, I always communicate with the family to share the positive developments and achievements of the students also discuss and discuss ways that might be effective in any conversation can be done with the help that can be done by all students who use academics or assistance.

3. Tell me how you used self-reflection and other people's feedback to improve yourself !

Reflection is about questioning, in a positive way, what I do and why I do it and then deciding whether there is a better, or more efficient way to do it in the future. Reflection is an important part of learning. When we study, we can get caught up in routines that may not be able to work effectively. Thinking about my own skills can help me identify changes that might need to be made or updated. Although self-reflection seems difficult at first, or even embarrassing, but I will find it easier to focus and from the reflection activities that I do will make things that I do will be more effective and efficient. Feedback from other people also needs to occur in a more informal context. Getting feedback from others is, of course, not always constructive, it can be difficult and often even stressful. However, this can be very useful both in building self-confidence and in developing our personal personality. The big advantage of gathering feedback from others is that they might have a different view of me than I have of myself. Drawing on their perspective can help me think about who I am in a different way, and open my mind to be able to reach new opportunities.

4. Tell us how you build interactions with children in the classroom / school. Explain how you create an environment that guarantees the safety and security of all children. Explain how you consider the impact on children when you choose learning practices in the classroom or apply a new policy!

Teachers will be missed by students by building good relationships with their students, and by treating them the way they want to be treated. We simply know that all students want to be treated with respect. Talking to students or giving lectures about their shortcomings will only make them annoyed or frustrated. Offering positive reinforcement, being consistent, smiling, and listening patiently to their concerns will all help to gain trust and friendship with students. Try to get to know students more closely by seeing them as unique individuals. First find their desires and interests. Then start a conversation with them about sports, TV or school activities, or praise them in the clothes they wear. When you talk to them and listen to what is on their minds, then they will begin to see that you are not just an adult, but someone who is truly interested and respectful of their condition. School, where students learn must be safe in a conducive way. Creating this condition requires special and ongoing full attention to the security and safety of using school facilities. Clear policies and procedures must be made for all school members, especially in the use of facilities. With the existence of procedures that are clear and understood by all components of the school, especially school residents, of course security during the learning process will be guaranteed. To create a conducive atmosphere it must involve all aspects of school supporters in a comprehensive manner. One such aspect is frequent and effective communication with parents, families, and the school community, as well as attention to class management and professional development needed. Without regard to this condition, conducive learning cannot be the focus of the school. All school members, especially teachers and employees must be aware of the early warning signs of harassment and intimidation of students by acting quickly to intervene if necessary. This timely awareness, action and intervention will only occur when trust has developed and a relationship of mutual respect has been established since the beginning of school entry between students and teachers / school employees. Establish daily contacts and show concern for each child and provide a comfort zone for communication between teacher / employee and students. Rt / Rw leaders in the location near the school not only have rights in this area but also have an obligation to be actively involved in maintaining school security.

5. Tell us how you moved the improvement efforts that accommodate differences and diversity in your community. Explain the process of collaboration and reflection on the results achieved.

The atmosphere and environment in the classroom can influence student involvement and performance. Whether the class is in a large or small study room, seminar venue, or laboratory section, a learning environment where all students feel safe, valued, and respected because negative environments can be obstacles to learning, so it is important to understand how to create and maintain a favorable climate positive for all students. Elements of the learning environment that need to be addressed including the physical is to provide adequate materials and materials. For classrooms to have a climate that is conducive to diversity, students must feel supported in the learning component, including content, discussion, physical aspects.





